Gray Baynes + Shew LLP are delighted to have been appointed to join Oxford University’s £1.5bn Capital Projects Partner Framework.
With eight shortlisted bidders in total, the Framework for projects of £20 million and above was awarded to three teams for five years, with an option to extend to ten years. During this time, the University expects to invest around £120m - £150m per year on both new and refurbished facilities in order to guarantee the further sustainability of its spaces.
The development, which includes research, teaching and residential facilities, will take place in five key zones – Begbroke Science Park, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Osney Mead, Keble Triangle & Science Area and Headington Cluster. The Framework’s priorities are to:
- Support the changing patterns of research and learning by providing innovative space solutions
- Improve the use of space through new buildings design for adaptability and shared use
- Enhance the condition and functional suitability of the estate by re-purposing vacated buildings when new ones are built
- Reduce running costs and carbon emissions
Gray Baynes + Shew LLP are specialist in health and education design and with a history of working closely with Oxford University on several notable projects, including Trinity College, Worcester College, St Anne’s and Linacre College, the Practice is looking forward to helping the University to build additional world-class facilities.
Commentating on the Practice’s role in the framework, Partner Nigel Spawton said. “Historically, Gray Baynes + Shew was a leading player in the 1960’s University of Oxford scheme called ‘Oxford Stone Restored’. This was where we refaced many of the most famous buildings in Oxford which had been damaged by coal fire emissions during the 19th and 20th centuries.
It’s fantastic news to be playing such a significant part in the next phase of Oxford University’s development. We are proud that our successful bid, which was led by multinational technical partner Stantec (a long-time collaborator with our Practice), will enable us to cement further long-term relationships with our Framework partners and the University. Our specialist and dedicated team are very much looking forward to designing exceptional buildings, which will stand the test of time and help to enrich the lives of tomorrow’s students.”
In order to deliver the University’s Framework development, Gray Baynes + Shew, will be partnering with:
- Stantec, a Canadian firm with over 20,000 staff who specialise in laboratories and healthcare
- GSS Architects, a Northampton based firm who specialise in student housing
- Hoare Lea, a national firm of consulting Services Engineers
- Ramboll, an international firm of Structural Engineers